How long does it take to see the results after thread lifting surgery?

After thread lifting treatment, some results can be seen immediately. Swelling typically subsides in about 3-7 days, and you can genuinely see the tightening effect on the V-line of your face after one week of the procedure. Since the principle of this treatment involves embedding medical threads, which trigger a foreign body reaction and stimulate collagen production in the face, the results will gradually become more apparent and won’t be limited to the immediate post-procedure effect.

Is thread lifting painful?

“So many needles on the face, how painful can it be?! I’m so concerned about it!!” To be honest, the sensation of pain is indeed a question many clients have asked about!

Many doctors claim that thread lifting procedures are not painful at all, but that statement is only half true. After all, you’re burying numerous PDO protein threads under the skin, and there are incisions involved. To say you won’t feel anything is an unprofessional marketing tactic.

However, highly skilled thread lifting doctors, combined with medical imaging techniques, do help a lot to avoid most facial nerves during the procedure. They can even significantly reduce the surgery time. The doctor’s level of skill is definitely the key!

The correct anesthesia method and dosage are also part of the technique. Most of the doctors recommended by us have undergone extensive thread lifting training courses and skills enhancement! We hope that those of you who are afraid of pain can rest assured!”

How Long Will the Effect of Thread Lifting Last?

Thread lifting threads would be absorbed by the skin in approximately one year. However, the stimulation of new collagen production in the treated area can continue to maintain the lift and tightness. Therefore, a single treatment can generally maintain results for about one and a half to two years. It is recommended to follow up with maintenance visits every six months to a year to maintain the best lifting condition.

Is Thread Lifting Suitable for Me?

Scenario 1 to choose thread lifting: If you have tried non-invasive lifting methods such as ultrasound, microneedling, or radiofrequency but are still unsatisfied with the results.

Scenario 2 to choose thread lifting: If you want results similar to facelift surgery with long-lasting effects, but you want a shorter recovery period.

Scenario 3 to choose thread lifting: If you want to see immediate results and hope that the effects will continue to improve over time through your skin’s natural collagen production, maintaining natural skin elasticity, you may want to try Thread Lifting.

Five common signs of a failed thread lifting procedure!

1. Asymmetrical Expression: Facial expression muscles appear uneven or asymmetrical.

2. Uneven Skin: Within 3-5 days, the skin starts to appear uneven or irregular.

3. Skin Infection: Inadequate sterilization procedures may lead to localized skin infections.

4. Extrusion of Threads: Issues related to the manipulation of thread materials.

5. Visible Threads: Threads protrude externally due to the operator’s lack of experience.
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