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MIRACLE THREAD and its Effectiveness in Combination with Other Threads

MIRACLE THREAD is truly outstanding as a product from Taiwan, utilizing imported threads from Belgium processed for perfect 360-degree bidirectional barbs. The procedure is minimally invasive, almost non-invasive, and providing facial lifting! The treatment takes about half an hour, and local anesthesia is administered before the procedure, ensuring comfort and safety. Immediate results can be seen after the treatment. The threads themselves will be fully absorbed by the skin in approximately 210 days, leaving no harmful residues while stimulating collagen production in the facial skin.

I believe the assessment of effectiveness of thread lifting is seen through layering. Here’s an example: the collagen generated from eight threads significantly differs from that produced by eight threads done ten times. A more proactive treatment approach involves undergoing the Thread Lift treatment approximately 2-3 times within a year for reinforcement or fine-tuning. Combining it with LeSONO radio frequency treatments helps maintaining the threads’ firmness and promotes collagen production. Overtime, the results in combating gravity become significantly apparent compared to those who haven’t undergone MIRACLE THREAD Thread Lifting treatments.

In comparison to traditional threads, MIRACLE THREAD’s most significant advantage is that it’s less painful and lacks the noticeable foreign body sensation associated with fishbone threads. Moreover, it provides greater longevity and stability than rose threads. For a typical combination treatment, I use around eight MIRACLE THREAD sutures for lifting and enhance fixation with four Bell Thread sutures. This is a fundamental technique that I highly recommend all doctors become proficient in.

In conclusion, regardless of the types of minimally invasive procedures, the concepts and techniques are crucial. I have a high regard for MIRACLE THREAD and I’d like to emphasize the importance of having certified physicians perform them. It’s essential to understand that minimally invasive procedures aren’t surgeries; we focus on long-term maintenance and layering. If you feel that your skin isn’t tight enough, you can revisit your doctor for reinforcement after three months. This cumulative approach allows you to build collagen in your facial skin, similar to accumulating savings in your skin’s collagen content, which is the modern and popular approach to long-term skincare!


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